The shortage of medical personnel in rural Africa is huge. On average, four doctors and nine nurses are responsible for 10,000 people. This is a problem we are addressing by training community health workers. In their communities, they are an important bridge between those seeking help and health care facilities.
Our goal is to improve health care in Africa. Only in good health, people of Africa can have a better future. We go where our help is needed most urgently. Our local partners often describe us as the ones who come where no one else goes. We implement our projects exclusively with local African organizations. Because they know best what the people really need.
We aim at enabling people in Africa to improve their lives through their own efforts and to hereby become empowered to shape their own future.
Some of our further focal points are:
Maternal-Child Health
Women are the heart and engine of African communities. In Africa, 200,000 mothers die each year due to lack of medical care. Children in Sub-Saharan Africa have the worst chances of survival in the world. We are combating maternal and child mortality by training health workers and midwives. They ensure a safe start into life and enable women to lead self-determined and healthy lives by educating them on family planning and by doing regular preventive medical checkups.
Safe Water & Hygiene
Drinking, showering, cooking – clean water plays a central role in our everyday lives. But the availability of this precious commodity is not a given everywhere. In Africa, only 24% of people have access to clean water. Every hour, 115 Africans die from diseases caused by inadequate hygiene and contaminated water. In addition, people in rural areas walk long distances to the nearest water source every day. With WASH projects, we improve access to clean water, impart knowledge on important hygiene measures, and provide sanitary facilities.
Healthy Nutrition
An adequate and balanced diet is a prerequisite for a healthy life. A lack of it has serious consequences, especially for the mental and physical development of children. That is why we not only impart well-needed knowledge about healthy nutrition but also about sustainable cultivation methods. With the help of drought-resistant agricultural crops, families can prevent malnutrition and generate their own income. What is more, they are better prepared for future periods of drought.
Infectious Diseases
Many African countries have made great strides in the fight against viruses, bacteria, and deadly parasites. The Corona pandemic has led to an extensive increase in knowledge. GESUNDES AFRIKA is helping to contain infectious diseases: We are conducting massive education, investing in prevention measures, and training of health workers. Not only are we addressing Covid-19 but also diseases such as Malaria, Cholera and HIV/AIDS.
One Health
Human health cannot be separated from animal health and the impacts of climate change. We are pursuing this holistic, so-called One Health approach through new strategic partnerships. Our partners in Africa are experts and local organizations that can best assess the situation on the ground, its challenges and potential.
For more Details visit our Website: www.gesundesafrika.de